For Harvard University
Khalsa Chiropractic is the Preferred Provider for the Harvard University Group Health Plan. We have enjoyed a working relationship with Harvard University since 1980.
Our physicians coordinate care with your primary care physician, orthopedist, physical therapist, or any health professional within the Harvard network.
We keep your physician updated as to your progress and keep the lines of communication open between treating physicians to ensure the highest quality of care.
Consider the physicians of Khalsa Chiropractic as part of your health care team.

For Students
If you are a subscriber of the Harvard sponsored Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan, you have coverage for our services with a small copayment rendered for each office visit.
For additional information regarding your plan's chiropractic benefits, please call our office at (617) 492-5438. We will be sending reports to your primary care doctor at UHS to keep them informed.
If you are not a subscriber of Harvard's student health plan, please contact our office, and we'll be happy to assist you.

For Staff & Faculty
If you are a Harvard University Group Health Plan (HUGHP) member, your health plan includes chiropractic benefits. Each visit will require a small copayment. For further details, please contact our office at (617) 492-5438.
If you are not a subscriber of HUGHP, our staff is happy to determine your health plan's chiropractic coverage. We are providers for most major health insurances. Please have your insurance card available when you call the office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.
For Students
If you are a subscriber of the MIT sponsored Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan, you have coverage for our services with a small copayment per office visit. For more information regarding your chiropractic coverage, please call our office at (617) 492-5438. We work with MIT Medical to coordinate care and to provide a detailed report to your primary care physician to allow for continuity of care and maximum outcomes.
If you are not a subscriber of MIT's student health plan, we will be happy to verify your chiropractic coverage. We are providers for most major health insurances. Please have your insurance card in front of you when you call the office and our staff will be happy to assist you in determining your health care benefits.
For Staff & Faculty
MIT employees' Blue Cross Blue Shield plan includes chiropractic benefits and requires a small copayment at the time of service. Reports and records will be provided to your primary care physician to ensure the highest quality care.
If you are not a subscriber of MIT's health plan, we will be happy to verify your chiropractic benefits. We are providers for most major health insurances. Please have your insurance card in front of you when you call the office and our staff will be happy to assist you.
For additional information regarding your chiropractic coverage, please contact us at (617) 492-5438.
For Lesley University
For Students
The physicians of Khalsa Chiropractic Office are Preferred Providers for the Lesley University sponsored Harvard Pilgrim Health Plan. Your student health plan includes chiropractic care and requires a small copayment at the time of service. For detailed information, please contact our office at (617) 492-5438.
If you are not a subscriber of Lesley's student health plan, our staff will be happy to verify your chiropractic coverage. We are providers for most major health insurances. Please have your health insurance card available at the time of your call, and our staff will be happy to assist you.
For Staff & Faculty
Khalsa Chiropractic is a provider for most major health insurances, and we will be happy to verify your chiropractic benefits.
Please have your insurance card in front of you when you call the office, and our staff will be happy to assist you in determining your plan's coverage (617) 492-5438.